Home inspections routinely discover all sorts of problems with homes. Some can be quite serious while others are not so important. A home inspector in Tampa cannot require that you or any party make repairs to a home. Buyers should request that repairs be made to major structural problems, safety or health hazards before completing a purchase.
Major Repairs Buyers Should Require
You should require certain repairs be made when a home inspector in Tampa finds major problems with a home you are looking to buy. These can include:
- Major structural hazards (foundation problems, issues with load-bearing walls, cracked or broken roofing trusses, etc.)
- Fire or electric hazards
- Safety or building code violations
- Chemical or toxic contamination
- Pest or wildlife infestation
Some lenders will require written proof that these or other major repairs have been completed before providing a loan on the property. Be sure you know what is required by your lender when making repair negotiations with a seller.
Working with a Homeowner to Make Repairs
Major repairs should not require a negotiation for the homeowner to agree to making repairs. Any refusal or delay about major repairs are definite red flags and should cancel the sale. Other repairs that would be beneficial or convenient but not necessary are always subject to negotiation. The report you receive from a home inspector in Tampa is valuable information to back up your requests.
Every person will value certain items more than others when it comes to negotiable issues. You may prefer accepting a discounted price to account for some repair items. This will allow you to save some purchasing funds to make repairs with a contractor of your own choosing. This is often a wise option for small or medium-sized repairs.
You should always require documentation of any repairs the homeowner makes before the sale. This should spell out exactly what work was completed, including materials and any relevant codes that are affected. You may even want to call the contractor to ask specific questions about the work completed.
Beryl Project Engineering can provide a certified master home inspector in Tampa when you are buying or selling a home and need reliable, quality home inspections. Call us at 813-616-3301 or send a message online to ask for more information or speak to a Beryl home inspector.