Your home inspector in Tampa, FL will perform a thorough inspection of the major systems, components, and areas of your home. One major system that routinely registers some problems on a home inspection report is plumbing. This is not unexpected because of how frequently we use the plumbing in our homes. 

Daily showers by the entire family combined with washing dishes and clothing, using the bathroom, and obtaining water to drink keeps a home plumbing system in almost constant use. This pattern of usage will wear on the system and result in eventual problems. 

Here are some of the most common plumbing problems detected by a home inspector in Tampa, FL. 

Worn or Defective Piping 

Older homes may have piping that has deteriorated since its installation and presents problems. Some outdated pipe materials may even be illegal and pose health risks for your family. Any of these types of piping will be noted by the home inspector. 

Galvanized Pipes

Galvanized pipes were used widely in homes before 1960. This type of piping is completely out of code in modern times. The galvanization process used a zinc coating to protect the pipe and this can flake off, and along with lead, contaminate the water in your home. Your home inspector in Tampa, FL will note the presence of any galvanized piping and recommend replacement. 

Polybutylene Pipes

This piping material was used from about 1978 to 1995 but is now not accepted by any building code in the United States. Polybutylene pipes react to chlorine in most municipal water systems and become brittle, crack, and eventually fail. Other household chemicals routinely used and washed down drains also degrade this piping material. Your home inspector in Tampa, FL will note the presence of any polybutylene pipes as an issue of concern on the inspection report. 

Old or Worn Pipes

Any old or worn pipes that show obvious signs of deterioration or leaks will also be noted on the home inspection report as an issue of concern. Some conditions may prompt the home inspector to recommend a more thorough plumbing inspection. 

Clogged Sewer Lines 

Clogged sewer lines are a common issue noted by many home inspectors in Tampa, FL. An incredible amount of waste is generated by the average household over time and this can wreak havoc on sewer piping and drainage systems. External factors can also cause complications. Tree roots penetrating and growing through underground sewer lines frequently cause blockages. 

More difficult to detect are partially clogged sewer lines. This is because water drains and some slow draining sinks may go unnoticed. One slow draining sink is likely a partial clog near the sink itself and is easily remedied. More than one slow draining sink or shower drain can signal a partial sewer blockage. 

Your home inspector in Tampa, FL will run water in all the drains of your home and note any blockages or slow draining areas in the inspection report. Factors that may indicate clogged sewer lines will result in a recommendation for a full plumbing inspection or sewer system inspection. 

Water Heater Problems 

Many Florida homes will have water heater problems show up on an inspection report. Most households use a large amount of hot water daily and hot water can be murderously corrosive over time. Resulting hot water problems can be varied, and include: 

  • A lack of hot water 
  • Inconsistent water temperatures 
  • Leaks
  • Very old equipment 
  • Smelly hot water 
  • Sediment buildup 

Water heaters typically last about 10-15 years before needing service or replacement. This can also depend on the type of water heater. Any water heater problems will likely require the services of a licensed plumber and will be noted on the inspection report. 

Leaky Faucets 

Leaky faucets are typically simple problems to repair but any that are detected by a home inspector in Tampa, FL will be noted in the inspection report. This is because small leaks can develop into larger ones and may eventually cause serious water damage. 

The EPA reports that a faucet dripping one drip per second can account for a loss of over 3000 gallons of water per year. This waste is a serious drain on available resources and can raise a water bill considerably. 

Most leaky faucets are caused by an issue at the aerator. Faucets that leak from around the base or handles can cause water damage underneath the sink or cabinet. This damage can be hidden until it becomes quite extensive.  

Beryl Project Engineering offers seasoned and timely home inspections in Tampa, FL and throughout the surrounding areas when you are buying or selling a home. Contact us today for more information or to schedule a home inspection.