Roof truss failures in Florida homes are a frequent occurrence. Detecting problems with your roof trusses is virtually impossible without a visual inspection of the components. Access to your attic is necessary to closely inspect the trusses for signs of stress, damage, or potential collapse. 

A common question when problems with residential roof trusses are found is, “Do I need structural design in Tampa to replace roof trusses?” Most modern engineering plans include a requirement that trusses must be designed by a licensed and registered engineer. Beryl Project Engineering provides seasoned and reliable structural design in Tampa for a variety of residential needs. This includes a safe and workable design for replacing roof trusses. 

Causes of Residential Roof Truss Failures 

Roof trusses are part of an integrated design that transfers gravity and lateral loads throughout the structure to the foundation. They are typically made of individual wooden framing members connected with galvanized metal nail plates. These units are then placed uniformly across the structure from one load-bearing wall to another. 

The most common causes of roof truss failures include: 


Normal wear and tear from aging cause significant damage to roof trusses. The simple pressure of weight, gravity, and lateral forces causes the deterioration to degradable components made from wood. 


Weather events can cause extra pressure on roof trusses. Heavy snows are not a worry in Florida — but high winds and heavy rain are a frequent occurrence. These extra pressures exert more force on the structure and speed up the normal progress of degradation. 


Heavy weather can cause water leaks. Water is incredibly destructive to wooden truss components. It weakens the wood and causes shrinkage that can twist wooden members away from nail plates. Prolonged water damage from leaks can even cause a collapse. 

Direct Impacts 

Storms can also result in flying debris or falling tree limbs that can strike a roof and damage underlying trusses. Impact damage can break, crack, or otherwise weaken roof trusses and allow leaks, sagging, or even collapse of the roof system. 

Other truss failures can be attributed to:

  • Improper temporary or permanent bracing
  • Incorrect loading or overloading during construction
  • Weak members or bad joint connections
  • Unacceptable or unauthorized design changes or modifications 

Repairing or Replacing Residential Roof Trusses 

Engineered roof trusses are somewhat flexible in allowing for repairs or replacement. Some damage or wear can be repaired while leaving the roof structure intact. Some form of bracing is usually employed to provide roof support while damaged parts of the truss are replaced with new material. This can include wooden framing components or new nail plates. Reinforcing existing truss members may also be a good idea to provide extra security and strength. 

Replacing aged or damaged trusses is more complex but require the same basic steps. Replacing trusses without disturbing the roof involves strategic bracing and replacing singular truss components. Extensive roof damage can require removal of the entire roof and this makes replacing entire truss units easier. 

Both replacing or repairing roof trusses must follow codes and guidelines to maintain the structural integrity of the original unit. This requires following the structural design in Tampa for roof trusses provided by a trained and licensed engineer. 

Structural Design in Tampa for Roof Trusses 

Don’t risk weakening your home’s structural integrity by making or allowing makeshift repairs or unauthorized modifications to your roof trusses. Always seek professional assistance with any repairs or modifications and make sure they adhere to a structural design in Tampa for roof trusses appropriate for your home design. 

Beryl Project Engineering provides seasoned and reliable roof truss structural design in Tampa for homes across The Sunshine State. Contact us today for more information on roof truss design or our other structural design services.