Common Repairs Recommended by Your Home Inspector in Tampa
Your home inspector in Tampa from Beryl Project Engineering has likely seen it all. Extensive experience in construction and home inspections have taught him or her that some issues are more common than others in Hillsborough County, Florida and the surrounding areas. Many issues are simply common to houses with some years of use.
Your Beryl home inspector in Tampa issues a final computerized report on your home within 36 hours of completing the inspection. It will include necessary photos and/or infrared images to provide evidence of any issues that have been revealed. Your Beryl home inspector will also be ready to answer any questions you have about the findings. This includes any recommendations for needed repairs. The most common issues needing repair your Beryl home inspector in Tampa sees include the following.
Roofing Issues
Roofs endure an incredible amount of stress and wear from age and weather conditions. This deterioration is often invisible from casual observation at ground level. Roof problems that can be easily identified from the ground are quite serious. Even more serious underlying conditions have likely been present for some time.
The only way to inspect a roof properly is at the roof’s height. Get onto the roof and walk around or set up ladders at multiple eave locations. Look for loose shingles or panels and any signs of water pooling. Also look for any signs of leaks into the attic. You should also explore inside the attic using a bright light. Extra light can reveal signs of water intrusion and existing damage from moisture.
Roofs are above our typical line of sight and are easily overlooked. This is why your Beryl home inspector in Tampa will pay close attention to your roof during a home inspection. The roof is a vital system that protects your home and must be kept in durable shape.
Electrical Issues
Everything today relies on electricity to function. We live in a world where people use some sort of electronic device or tool for everything. Many problems arise when we seek to plug up all these devices for charging and discover we do not have enough electrical outlets. Many people are not aware of how to properly remedy this situation.
Extension cords are the bane of most modern homes. We use them permanently to allow all our devices to charge up or be used simultaneously. Regular use of extension cords can place an incredible strain on our home’s electrical system. This is particularly true if your home is older and contains old or outdated electrical components. Your risk of an electrical fire is also significantly increased.
Your Beryl home inspector in Tampa frequently encounters older homes with dated electrical components that are not up to current codes. These older electrical systems are not adequate for how much we use electricity today. They can easily be overloaded and place your family at risk.
Your home’s electrical system should be inspected and updated by a licensed electrician to meet current usage and safety codes. This includes the installation of several more circuits and electrical outlets to handle increasing numbers of tools, devices, and appliances.
Water Damage
Water is a home’s most insidious enemy. It can invade through the smallest crack or hole and travel surprisingly far as it follows the path of least resistance. This is how a water intrusion in one corner of your roof can cause water damage to insulation, wallboard, and other materials far away. Hidden damage always exists when water damage finally becomes visible.
Water can cause damage to important structural components within your home. The damage to surface components is just extra. Serious water leaks or intrusion can cause catastrophic damage to a home over time. This is why a periodic inspection throughout your home to locate any signs of water damage is a wise investment.
Your Beryl home inspector in Tampa must reveal the signs and news of water damage to local homeowners all too often. We even employ Infrared cameras that can allow us to locate active water damage behind walls without causing any exterior damage.
Contact your Home Inspector in Tampa
Call Beryl Project Engineering at 813-616-3301 or message us online when you need a home inspector in Tampa or the surrounding towns and counties.