What if Home Inspections Reveal Serious Problems with a Home I Want to Buy? 

The purpose of home inspections is to reveal any problems with a home that may require repairs or replacement before sale or purchase. Few homes with any age will emerge from a home inspection with no outstanding issues. Many problems will be minor and easily remedied. Sometimes home inspections reveal serious problems. 

Your Beryl Project Engineering Certified Master Home Inspector will issue an easy-to-read, computerized report with accompanying photos and Infrared images within 36 hours of completing your home inspection. He or she will also be available to answer any questions you have concerning the report. You have the following options if home inspections reveal serious problems with a home you wish to purchase. 

Ask the Seller to Make the Repairs 

This is the option most buyers seek to exercise when serious issues are discovered in a home inspection. This is a completely reasonable request due to the amount of money typically involved in purchasing a home. You have every right to expect the best possible home condition for your money. The seller may or may not agree to this request. 

Ask the Seller to Reduce the Asking Price to Offset Repair Costs 

This is also a common option for buyers. Obtain repair estimates from professional home repair contractors to set a target amount. Then ask the homeowners to reduce the home’s selling price by at least that amount to allow you to use the saved money on repairs. Many buyers prefer this route because they want to handle the repairs according to their own standards. The seller may or may not agree to this request. 

Back Out of the Transaction 

Sometimes buyers and sellers cannot reach an agreement about home repairs. Most preliminary purchase contracts contain an inspection contingency clause for this reason. This clause allows the prospective buyer to back out of the transaction completely due to problems revealed by professional home inspections. There are times when this choice may be in your best interests. 

Move Forward with the Purchase 

Some prospective buyers wish to move forward with the purchase even when serious problems are revealed through the home inspection. Your decision is personal and must be made according to mitigating factors only you can determine. You should always discuss your options with an experienced realtor before reaching any final decision. 

Beryl Project Engineering has been providing quality, impartial, and reliable home inspections for homeowners throughout Hillsborough County and the Tampa, Florida area for over 20 years. Our home inspections meet or exceed InterNACHI standards of practice. Call Beryl Project Engineering at 813-616-3301 or message us online to arrange for a home inspection before purchasing any home in Tampa or the surrounding area.