You should always consider getting a quality home inspection prior to the closing of a home. If this is your first time selling a home, you may not be familiar with the home inspection process. It may seem scary to have someone come through and evaluate your home. Taking the following steps will help you feel more prepared and help to ease your mind.
Make sure you have access to all areas
The first step is to make sure the home inspector is able to get to all areas of the home. This means that basements or utility rooms should be cleared of clutter. This allows the inspector to properly view and evaluate the area. The home inspector will need to see the home’s electrical components, HVAC, structural components and plumbing. If you have boxes and random clutter everywhere it will make it very difficult to evaluate certain areas of your home.
Allot 2-4 hours minimum for the home inspection
If you plan on being present for the home inspection you should allot at least 2-4 hours. Home inspections are much more thorough than a simple appraisal and the home inspector needs to have enough time to do his/her job. It takes time to inspect the whole house and surrounding property.
Provide appliance and remodel paperwork
Another good idea is to hand over any paperwork related to new appliances or recent remodels. This will give the home inspector a good idea of what has been replaced or modified in the home. They can then make sure that the work was done correctly and note the file accordingly.
If you are selling your home and need a home inspection you should contact Beryl Engineering & Inspection. Their team of professionals will provide you with the information you need to get the most for your home.