203k Inspection | Benefits of the Streamlined 203K Loan
203k Inspection | When you look at your options with regard to a 203k loan you will quickly see that you have a
couple of choices: the standard or the streamline loan. As the name would indicate, the
streamline 203k is a simpler process overall which is a big point in its favor right from the start.
What else would cause you to lean in this direction? Let’s take a look.
Perfect for Minor Fixes
The 203k Streamline is a popular way to go when you are looking at doing relatively modest
work to a home. There are a number of possibilities with regard to the work that can be done,
including new flooring or paint. It is true that you are limited in the scope of the work you can
do when you opt for a streamline loan. Many home buyers will find a streamline loan provides
them with everything they need to get the job done. When in doubt, your 203k inspections
should tell you more about what work will be needed on each property you are considering.
More Options for Lending
A big advantage of going with the Streamline 203k is that you will find more lenders available
who offer this type of loan. The standard 203k is a much more complicated process so fewer
lenders bother with it as one of their options. Leaning toward the Streamline 203k is a smart
move if you’d like to be able to shop around when trying to find a loan for your home purchase.
A streamline loan will still require a 203k inspection that can be completed by Beryl Engineering
& Inspection. We work throughout the greater Tampa area and are able to provide reliable and
professional service to each and every one of our clients. Thank you for visiting and please
contact us to learn more.