What to Expect from the FHA Home Inspector
Before an FHA loan can be approved, a property must pass an FHA home inspection which is performed by a registered FHA home inspector. A home inspection is a non-invasive, visual assessment of the property’s current condition and makes neither prediction nor warranty toward the soundness or functionality of any hidden components. The purpose of the inspection is the property is a safe and healthy place to live.
Here’s what the FHA home inspector checks:
Site Hazards and Nuisances
An unacceptable property may contain such flaws as slush pits, excessive traffic noise, offensive fumes or odors, high-pressure gas or petroleum line too near the property line, and high voltage radio, TV, cell phone towers overhead or nearby.
Grading and Drainage
The inspector is not likely to approve any property suffering from grading that does not properly drain water away from the structure. Improper grading leads to water damage which invites pests and mold. Standing water near structures may also be cause for disapproval.
Water and Sewage Systems
Buildings with their own sewage or septic systems if the inspector sees evidence of sewage system failure. Septic drains and wells must comply with local code requirements. If public water and/or sewerage is available, failure to connect to the service may be cause for disapproval.
Pest Infestation
If the building has wood touching the ground, the probability for pest infestation is high. Signs of obvious pest infestation may be grounds for disapproval.
A property that is not easily accessible cannot be approved.
Structural Integrity
The FHA home inspector will note such unacceptable property conditions such as cracked foundations, evidence of water damage, weak or rotting beams, joists, or floor boards, sagging overhead beams and/or roofs, visible holes in exposed areas, insufficient ventilation, absence of basement egress. While it’s obviously in the seller’s best interests to ensure that a property is clean, hazard-free, pest-free, and functional, passing the home inspection checklist does not automatically confer approval. Beryl’s 203k Consultant meets or exceeds FHA home inspection requirements so you have the best information to guide any work in making the improvements necessary to ensure your building is a healthy and safe environment.